Welcome Natalie!

Dear Friends in Christ,

I am delighted to announce the appointment of the Reverend Natalie Gessert Hall as Canon for Evangelism and Faith Formation. Natalie is an ELCA pastor married to a priest of this Diocese, the Reverend Dr. Daniel Hall. As she showed in her presentations at our last diocesan convention, Natalie+ has extensive experience and competence in her field, and will be a great asset as we seek to increase the capacity of our parishes for evangelism and build up our members, and the wider community, in the knowledge and love of the Lord. Her bio and job description can be found here.

Diocesan funding of Canon Hall's position is made possible because of a separate grant from The Campbell Foundation. This generous grant in the amount of $50,000 per year for three years will underwrite the indirect costs of the ministry currently provided by the diocesan staff to the senior adults of our parishes in the course of their normal duties. The grant makes available sufficient funds in the 2017 operating budget to enable the hiring of Canon Hall. I have requested, and Diocesan Council has approved, the re-allocation of $44,871 for this purpose.

In the grant request I noted the "ongoing strain on our budget … to meet the growing needs of an aging population" and that the foundation's grant would help us meet those needs while we "expand our ministries of education for families and evangelism for the world."  I am grateful that these funds enable us to continue our present diocesan staffing while adding Canon Hall's particular expertise in evangelism and faith formation.

Natalie+ will be leading a workshop as part of our Diocesan learning day, "The Word Beyond the Walls," March 18th at St. Brendan's. She will be contacting leaders across the diocese to inquire about your needs and initiatives, as well as looking to schedule times for face to face conversation. Additionally, where you have ideas for or would like assistance in developing evangelism and faith formation practices in your parish and community, please be in touch with her. She is glad to assist you and connect you to resources that support your ministries. Natalie+ is available by email at nhall@episcopalpgh.org or by mobile phone at (703) 963-2789. 

Please join me in welcoming Canon Hall, and please do not hesitate to call on her as you consider the opportunities for evangelism in your own context.


(The Right Reverend) Dorsey W. M. McConnell, D.D.