Beginning on Monday, June 9, the United Thank Offering board will offer monthly webinars to address areas of interest for UTO coordinators to help strengthen and support the ministry of UTO in parishes and dioceses. The hope is that these webinars will bring coordinators, volunteers and staff together on a regular basis to share ideas, ask for help and develop new ways of strengthening UTO at all levels.
The June webinar will feature ways to increase the visibility of UTO in the diocese and within the parish. Participants will be invited to share stories or ideas with one another as well as ask questions of the host, Sandra Squires, Province VI representative.
The following webinars, on July 16 and 23, will feature two bishops that are very supportive of UTO, Stacy Sauls and Leo Frade. They will discuss how they created structures of support for UTO and what UTO means to them.
The August webinars will be done by province, with Province III scheduled for August 13 at 7 p.m.
A flyer with details about how you can attend this GoToMeeting webinar is available by clicking here.