The Rev. Canon Eric McIntosh earned a Master’s Degree of Divinity from the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary June of 2012. He is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh with a Bachelors of Science Degree in Natural Sciences. He has served in ministry for over 20 years. He is married with three daughters.
Since 2013, Canon Eric has served as Priest in Charge at St. James’ Episcopal Church, where he is engaged in daily urban ministry, church planting, and offering pastoral care to the Penn Hills community. He is developing a multi-racial congregation that is both learning and embracing our Episcopal tradition while building a beloved community of worshippers collaborating for community restoration, renewal and revival.
He has previously served as Parish Administrator, Executive Director and Assistant to the Priest at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Wilkinsburg. He developed and taught an evangelism class for the Episcopal Church Foundation is an ECF Fellow, and served as chaplain for the ECF Board retreat.
He has developed and taught classes at the Metro Urban Institute of the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary for their Church Leadership Certificate program.
He has served our diocese in various positions including the Standing Committee, the Commission on Ministry, the Commission on Race and Reconciliation, and Diocesan Council.
Finally, Canon Eric served on the Spiritual Leaders Caucus, one year as its Chair, and the Gun Violence Task Force of the Pennsylvania Interfaith Impact Network (PIIN). In 2016, he served as a consultant for community organizing on the East End of Pittsburgh. He helped this interfaith group engage local government, multi-faith congregations, the local police, and community to address social justice issues as well as the gun violence problem that plagues our inner city communities.