Spring 2019 Anti-Racism Workshop

The next anti-racism training, Seeing the Face of God in Each Other, will be held at St. St. Thomas Memorial Church in Oakmont on Friday and Saturday, April 5 and 6, 2019.

This training is required of all elected leadership, lay and ordained, in the Diocese of Pittsburgh, including all candidates for Holy Orders.

You may register here.  There is no fee for the training but a free-will offering will help offset the cost of the food and refreshments.

In a time when the current climate of our political and social life is marked by polarity and fear, our society has great need for the alternative offered by our faith.  St. Paul boldly announces that, “in Christ God was reconciling the world to Himself” (2 Corinthians 5:19).  The work of the Church, therefore, is the ministry of reconciliation, and nowhere is this more urgent than in the call to heal the wounds of racial injustice that have so marked our history.  This workshop gives us some critical tools to begin the work.

St Thomas Memorial Church, 378 Delaware Ave, Oakmont, PA 15139