DECEMBER 13, 2008
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The Standing Committee
Four clergy and four lay persons
Currently in office: The Rev. James Simons (2009); The Rev. Jeffrey Murph (2011); Mrs. Mary Roehrich (2011)
To be elected: two clergy (2010, 2012), three lay members (2009, 2010, 2012)
Candidates for the Standing Committee:
The Rev. Nancy Chalfant-Walker
Rector, St. Stephen’s, Wilkinsburg
Experience: Commission on Racism
Why are you interested in serving?
All the members of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh are called to be One Body in Christ. We need to respect our diversity and use all our gifts to proclaim the Good News of Christ and to serve the world in his name. I believe I have the capability to support and nurture that unity-in-diversity as we move into our future together.
The Rev. Dr. William Jay Geisler
Rector, St. Stephen’s, McKeesport
Experience: Clergy Association (President), District 8 Chair, Pastoral Counselor at TSM, Cathedral Chapter, Diocesan Council
Why are you interested in serving?
The person making this nomination highlighted Father Jay’s leadership and organizational skills, strength and humility, and believes that he is the right sort of moderate to bring unity, grace, growth, and vision to the future of this diocese.
The Rev. Kristian Opat
Curate, St. Paul’s, Mt. Lebanon
Pastor, Three Nails
Experience: Volunteer Youth Minister, Worship Planning Leader
Why are you interesting in serving?
I would like to serve the Diocese in this very difficult time the best I am able. The Standing Committee is where I think my gifts and abilities could best be used. I also feel a young voice could add balance in some of the important discussions and decisions ahead.
The Rev. Leslie Reimer
Associate Rector, Calvary Church, East Liberty
Director of Spiritual Life, Sheldon Calvary Camp
Experience: Standing Committee, Commission on Ministry, Cathedral Chapter
Why are you interested in serving?
I would like to offer my gifts and my thirty-one years of experience in ordained ministry in this diocese to help with the important pastoral work of reorganizing the diocese and rebuilding our connections with one another.
The Rev. Dr. Bruce Robison
Rector, St. Andrew’s, Highland Park
Experience: Board Member and Secretary/Treasurer, Pittsburgh Clergy Association; Across the Aisle Reorganization Task Force; Standing Committee, Diocesan Council, Committee on Continuing Education, Common Life Task Force, Clergy Compensation/ Health Benefits Task Force, Board Member and President, National Network of Episcopal Clergy Associations; President, Pittsburgh Clergy Association
Why are you interested in serving?
I have relatively recent experience as a member of the Standing Committee and would hope to provide a good sense of stability as we move through this transitional period of diocesan life.
The Very Rev. George Werner
Priest-in-Residence, Christ Church, North Hills
Experience: Board of Trustees of the Church Pension Fund, Standing Committee, President of the House of Deputies of the Episcopal Church, Dean of Trinity Cathedral
Why are you interested in serving?
I would like to share my passion for Jesus, Scripture, The Episcopal Church, and my forty-five+ years of ordained ministry.
Joyce Donadee
St. Brendan’s, Franklin Park
Experience: Vestry, Sunday School Director, Choir, Worship Committee, Newcomers Committee Chair
Why are your interested in serving?
To help build our diocese which needs all of us working together.
Fran Gargotta
St. Brendan’s, Franklin Park
Experience: Usher, Nursery, Youth Ministry, non-profit Board service, Senior Warden, Vestry, Fundraising Chair, Finance Committee, Sunday School Teacher, Growth Committee Chair, New Member Chair, Yard Sale Chair, Designated Episcopal Oversight Chair
Why are you interested in serving?
This is a critical time in our church history and I want to serve and give back in my abilities to honor God and help to strengthen the diocese.
W. Lee Hicks
Calvary Church, East Liberty
Experience: Vestry; Chalice Bearer; Chair of Calvary Church Special Stewardship Task Force ; Founding Executive Director, Christian Associates of SW Pennsylvania; chair, Commission on Religion in Appalachia; Past President, National Association of Ecumenical Staff; Commission on Regional and Local Ecumenism, National Council of Churches
Why are you interested in serving?
I am committed to The Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion. My ecumenical experience, working with different theological positions, will be helpful in rebuilding the diocese. I want to serve my Lord and the Church.
Jacquelyn Thomas Och
St. Paul’s, Mt. Lebanon
Experience: Lay Eucharistic Minister, Lay Eucharistic Visitor, Vestry, Fellowship Chair, Newcomers Chair, Standing Committee, District Council, Parish Liaison with Grace Church Mt. Washington, Confirmation Class teacher, Sunday School teacher, Cursillo, Youth Mission Trip planning and chaperone
Why are you interested in serving?
I have loved being an Episcopalian and active in the Diocese of Pittsburgh for many years. It would be a privilege to work collaboratively to strengthen this diocese and to facilitate its ability to serve as Christ’s hands.
Robert Pratt
St. Stephen’s, McKeesport
Experience: Parish Administrator, Deputy to Diocesan Convention, Diocesan Council, Cathedral Chapter, Committee on Canons
Why are you interested in serving?
Based on my past experience, I would be able to help in this transitional period.
Vera Quinn
Church of the Nativity, Crafton
Experience: Director of Children’s Education, Board of Trustees, Standing Committee
Why are you interested in serving?
I would like to contribute in setting a positive and unified tone as we move forward in God’s call for our church.
Celinda Scott
Christ Church, Indiana
Experience: Lay Eucharistic Minister, Mission Committee, Board of the Anglican Fellowship of Prayer – corresponding secretary US Council, Diocesan Council (two terms), Vestry, Deputy to diocesan convention
Why are you interested in serving?
I would like to see a theological balance in the diocesan leadership as we all work together for the good of the diocese and the church as a whole.
John H. Strong
St. Paul’s, Mt. Lebanon
Experience: Sheldon Calvary Camp Board, Lay Eucharistic Minister, Senior Warden, Bishop’s Warden, Junior Warden, Lector, Lay Eucharistic Visitor, Board of Trustees, Chair of Diocesan Convention, Vestry, Rector Search Committee
Why are you interested in serving?
I would like to serve as a support person to the future Bishop of this diocese as a member of the Standing Committee.
General Convention Deputies
Four clergy deputies and four clergy alternates, four lay deputies and four lay alternates
Currently in office: The Rev. Bradley Wilson, The Rev. Dr. James Simons, Stephen Stagnitta, David Laughlin
To be elected: Two clergy, four clergy alternates, two lay persons, four lay alternates
Candidates for General Convention Deputy:
The Rev. Louis Hays
Rector, St. Paul’s, Mt. Lebanon
Experience: Chair of Commission on Ministry, Committee on Canons, founding member of Across the Aisle, Committee on Resolutions (Diocese of Maryland), Board Member of Episcopal Social Ministries (Baltimore), Chair of the Crozier Society (Diocese of Maryland)
Why are you interested in serving?
It would be my great honor and privilege to serve both the Diocese of Pittsburgh and the Episcopal Church as a Deputy to General Convention, utilizing my experience of 25 years of active involvement in three dioceses of the Episcopal Church.
The Rev. Dr. Harold Lewis
Rector, Calvary Church, East Liberty
Experience: Array, Historical Society of the Episcopal Church, Chair of the Advisory Council for the Anglican Observer to the United Nations, Standing Commission on World Mission, General Board of Examining Chaplains,
Alternate deputy for General Convention 1997, Member of the Presiding Bishop’s Staff from 1983-1994
Why are you interested in serving?
I would like to represent the best interests of the Diocese of Pittsburgh at the national level.
The Rev. Scott Quinn
Rector, Church of the Nativity, Crafton
Experience: Cathedral Chapter, Canterbury Place Board, Old St. Luke’s Board, Diocesan Growth Fund Committee, Deputy to four General Conventions, Standing Committee, District V President, Diocesan Council, Field Education Supervisor for Trinity School for Ministry
Why are you interested in serving?
I am committed to the health and welfare of the continuing Diocese of Pittsburgh in the Episcopal Church going forward.
The Rev. Dr. Bruce Robison
Rector, St. Andrew’s, Highland Park
Experience: Board Member and Secretary/Treasurer, Pittsburgh Clergy Association; Across the Aisle Reorganization Task Force; Standing Committee, Diocesan Council, Committee on Continuing Education, Common Life Task Force, Clergy Compensation/ Health Benefits Task Force, Board Member and President, National Network of Episcopal Clergy Associations; President, Pittsburgh Clergy Association
Why are you interested in serving?
My experience with the National Network of Episcopal Clergy Associations has given me a good perspective on the life of the wider church and I would be honored to represent our diocese as a General Convention deputy.
The Rev. Vicente Santiago
Hospice Chaplain
Priest, Greensburg
Experience: Array, Supply priest at St. Stephen’s, McKeesport, Served at St. James, Penn Hills, Men’s pastoral ministry, Stephen Ministry
Why are you interested in serving?
I wish to serve to help reorganize the Diocese of Pittsburgh in the Episcopal Church.
The Rev. Philip Wainwright
Rector, St. Peter’s Brentwood
Experience: Diocesan Representative to Christian Associates, Cathedral Chapter, District V Chair
Why are you interested in serving?
Father Wainwright is nominated because of his deep interest in and wealth of knowledge about the history of the Episcopal Church and Anglican Communion which will serve the diocese well if he is elected to represent us. He has closely followed issues before the National Church for many years, and his shared his knowledge and insight with his parishioners.
Michael Braxton
Calvary Church, East Liberty
Experience: Verger, Parish Council (Secretary and President), Vestry, Finance Committee, Ministry Discernment Committee, Alternate delegate to diocesan convention, Consortium of Endowed Episcopal Parishes
Why are you interested in serving?
I welcome the opportunity to be an ambassador for our diocese in the national church and to have the opportunity to serve.
Joan Gundersen
Church of the Redeemer, Squirrel Hill
Experience: Vestry, Treasurer of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh, Committee on Canons, Co-chair of Special Convention Planning Committee, Webmaster for Historical Society of the Episcopal Church and the Episcopal Women’ History Project, President of Progressive Episcopalians of Pittsburgh, Steering Committee of Via Media USA, Rector Search Committees, Parish by-Laws Committees, Parish Treasurer, Parish Clerk, Lay Reader, President of Episcopal Women’s History Project, Board Member of the Historical Society of the Episcopal Church, Chair of the diocese of Pittsburgh Commission on Archives and History
Why are you interested in serving?
General Convention’s actions could have a healing effect for the diocese, our Church and the Anglican Communion. I would like to help move the Convention in that direction.
Lawrence Knapp
Calvary Church, East Liberty
Experience: Board Member, Treasurer, and Vice President – Sheldon Calvary Camp, Board member and Audit Chair – Episcopal Church Building Fund, Lector, Director of Administration of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh 1974-1997, General Convention Deputy 1982, 1985, 1988, 1991, 1994, 1997
Why are you interested in serving?
To represent our diocese at a critical time in its life
Nancy Righter
Calvary Church, East Liberty
Experience: Vestry, Brooklyn Episcopal AID Committee, Long Island Diocesan AIDS Commission, National Episcopal AIDS Coalition General Convention Volunteer 1991, 1994, 1997, 2003, Cursillo (Long Island and New Hampshire)
Why are you interested in serving?
I have a strong desire to work within the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh. I first attended General Convention as a volunteer for NEAC, and continued to assist NEAC at subsequent conventions. I have been active in the Dioceses of Long Island, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts, giving me a perspective of our wider church. My husband Bishop Walter Righter’s presentment provided a unique experience to see the church from another angle. I am hoping my skills can be of use to our diocese as a deputy to General Convention.
Mary Roehrich
St. Andrew’s, Highland Park
Experience: Standing Committee, Diocesan Council, Cathedral Chapter, Senior Warden, Vestry, Altar Guild, Property Committee
Why are you interested in serving?
In order to provide the diocese with appropriate representation and communicate with The Episcopal Church the areas of agreement and disagreement with encouragement to change
Wesley Rohrer
St. Andrew’s, Highland Park
Experience: Chalice Bearer, Lay Reader, Lay Eucharistic Minister, Chair of Parish Outreach Committee, Coordinator of the parish CWS/CROP walk, Vestry, Stephen Ministry
Why are you interested in serving?
I believe that service to the institutional church is not only a privilege but an obligation in fulfilling my lay ministry. With the grace of God I hope to have this opportunity to contribute to the processes of rebuilding and healing within a divided church. Among the gifts which I can offer are long experience in administrative processes and sound and balanced judgment.
Gwen Santiago
St. Stephen’s, McKeesport, and Greensburg
Experience: Pastoral Assistant, Vestry, Diocesan Convention deputy leader, Lay Eucharistic Minister, Alpha, National Church Development, Youth Director, Youth Team Member, Coordinator Sunday School, and Adult Education, teacher, Stephen Minister, Cursillo, Choir, Altar Guild, ECW
Why are you interested in serving?
I want to serve our diocese by praying, working and helping to build bridges toward a common vision and grow us in our common life together in Christ.
William Stevens
Calvary Church, East Liberty
Experience: Diocesan Convention deputy, Altar Guild Director, Welcome Committee, Head of Attic Treasures for the Women of Calvary Bazaar
Why are you interested in serving?
I would like to be a strong but moderate voice for our diocese at the convention. I’m willing to study and work hard for our diocese and for the Episcopal Church. I attended the last General Convention and I am planning on attending the 2009 Convention
John H. Strong
St. Paul’s, Mt. Lebanon
Experience: Sheldon Calvary Camp Board, Lay Eucharistic Minister, Senior Warden, Bishop’s Warden, Junior Warden, Lector, Lay Eucharistic Visitor, Board of Trustees, Chair of Diocesan Convention, Vestry, Rector Search Committee
Why are you interested in serving?
I would like to serve our diocese as a representative to the General Convention to form policy for the Church.
The Board of Trustees
One lay person from each District, five lay persons elected by the Diocesan Convention, five lay persons appointed by the bishop.
Currently in office: Mark Jennings (District II, 2008), Lawrence Howard (District VII, 2009), Elizabeth Hardie (2011), Thomas Moore (2011)
To be elected by Convention: three lay persons (2009, 2009, 2010)
Candidates for the Board of Trustees
John Adams
St. Paul’s Mt. Lebanon
Experience: Vestry, Assistant Treasurer, Chair of Outreach Commission, Stephen Ministry, Parish Ministry Committee, Rector Search Committee, St. Paul’s Nursery School Board of Trustees, EYC Mission Trip Chaperone, Stewardship Committee, Sunday School Teacher, Newcomer Committee
Why are you interested in serving?
To work with remaining members of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh, with the Presiding Bishop, and with other church leaders to restore our diocese to institutional and spiritual health
Russell Ayres, III
Calvary Church, East Liberty
Experience: Diocesan Convention deputy, Vestry, Junior Warden, Senior Warden
Why are you interested in serving?
I would like to see the property of this diocese remain in the proper hands and be used for the benefit and the work of the Episcopal Church in Western Pennsylvania.
James Evans
Christ Church, North Hills
Experience: Vestry, Finance Committee, Stewardship Committee, Lay Reader, Usher, Lay Eucharistic Minister, Junior Warden
Why are you interested in serving?
I offer my talents and expertise in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, toward the guidance of this diocese into the future.
Fran Gargotta
St. Brendan’s, Franklin Park
Experience: Usher, Nursery, Youth Ministry, non-profit Board service, Senior Warden, Vestry, Fundraising Chair, Finance Committee, Sunday School Teacher, Growth Committee Chair, New Member Chair, Yard Sale Chair, Designated Episcopal Oversight Chair
Why are you interested in serving?
This is a critical time in our church history and I want to serve and give back in my abilities to honor God and help to strengthen the diocese.
Joseph Karas
St. Peter’s, Brentwood
Experience: Diocesan Convention deputy, Senior Warden
Why are you interested in serving?
Joe has been nominated because he has the experience and commitment and “people skills” necessary for this office.
James McGough
Calvary Church, East Liberty
Experience: Diocesan Committee on Aging, Parish offering counter, Parish altar flower delivery, Chair of Diocesan Board of Trustees, Cathedral Chapter, Provincial Synod, Diocesan Council, Vestry, Parish Treasurer
Why are you interested in serving?
As a long time member of the Board of Trustees, I would hope to bring some experience and guidance to the Board in today’s environment. Also, as the fifth generation of my family in this diocese, I would hope to join in preserving that same heritage for my baptized children and grandchildren in their lives and faith.
Sean Murphy
St. Michael’s of the Valley, Ligonier
Experience: Lay Reader, Vestry, Parish Life Committee, Children’s Chapel, Chair of St. Michael’s Fair
Why are you interested in serving?
To assist the diocese in its reorganization efforts
Melanie Popovich
St. Brendan’s, Franklin Park
Experience: Senior Warden, Chair – Circle of Women, Lay Reader
Why are you interested in serving?
To become an integral part of the oversight of the newly rebuilt Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh. These are exciting times.
David Quinn
Church of the Nativity, Crafton
Experience: Assistant Church Treasurer; acolyte
Why are you interested in serving?
My work on the intrafraternity council while a student at Bucknell University cultivated a personal interest in Business Governance. I’m willing to contribute what I can during this unique time in the life of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh.
John Sozansky
St. Paul’s, Mt. Lebanon
Experience: Vestry, Outreach Commission, Fellowship Commission
Why are you interested in serving?
In the course of my business, real estate valuation, I value churches. This may be of use in the work of the Board of Trustees in the future. I believe in the diocese and that it should be strong into the future.
The Array (Ecclesiastical Trial Court)
Five clergy and four lay persons
Currently in office: The Rev. Dr. Harold Lewis (2011), The Rev. Philip Wainwright (2011), Jacquelyn Thomas Och (2011)
To be elected: Three clergy (2009, 2009, 2010), Three lay persons (2009, 2009, 2010)
Candidates for the Array:
The Rev. Norman Koehler, III
Interim Priest-in-Charge, St. Paul’s, Kittanning
Experience: Diocesan Council, Committee on Canons, Interim Diocesan Administrator, Pittsburgh Episcopal Foundation, Pastoral Associate, Presbyterian Senior Care, Oakmont, served at Church of the Redeemer, St. Andrew’s, New Kensington, St. Barnabas Brackenridge, St. Thomas Oakmont,
Why are you interested in serving?
I wish to serve the diocese especially during this exciting time of reorganization and consolidation.
The Rev. Kristian Opat
Curate, St. Paul’s, Mt. Lebanon
Pastor, Three Nails
Experience: Volunteer Youth Minister, Worship Planning Leader
Why are you interesting in serving?
While young, I feel I am able to bring a balanced and level perspective to any situation before the array. I will seek to reach any decision with grace and prudence.
The Rev. Vicente Santiago
Hospice Chaplain
Priest, Greensburg
Experience: Array, Supply priest at St. Stephen’s, McKeesport, served at St. James, Penn Hills, Men’s pastoral ministry, Stephen Ministry
Why are you interested in serving?
I wish to serve to help reorganize the Diocese of Pittsburgh in the Episcopal Church.
The Rev. Canon James Shoucair
Rector, Christ Church, North Hills
Experience: Secretary to Convention, Diocesan Convention Organizing Committee, Array, Committee on Canons, Board of Examining Chaplains, Continuing Education Committee, Ecumenical Officer of the Diocese
Why are you interested in serving?
As both a priest and an attorney, I believe that I can make a positive contribution to our diocese at this critical time in its history.
Jon Delano
St. Paul’s, Mt. Lebanon
Experience: Co-chair, 2008 Special Diocesan Convention Planning Committee;
Member, 2008 Diocesan Nominating Committee; Deputy to the Diocesan Convention; Vestry; Lay Eucharistic Minister
Why are you interested in serving?
I believe my generally unflappable temperament and even-handed, fact-focused approach to issues, coupled with my background as an attorney, a communications professional, and a graduate school teacher at CMU, will help me be a scrupulously fair member of the ecclesiastical trial court for this Diocese.
Kenneth Gray
St. Paul’s, Mt. Lebanon
Experience: Professor of Law, Duquesne University Law School; received into the Episcopal Church three years ago
Why are you interested in serving?
I would be happy to contribute my services and expertise if it would help the diocese.
Robert Pratt
St. Stephen’s, McKeesport
Experience: Parish Administrator, Deputy to Diocesan Convention, Diocesan Council, Cathedral Chapter, Committee on Canons
Why are you interested in serving?
Based on my past experience, I would be able to help in this transitional period.
Gwen Santiago
St. Stephen’s, McKeesport, and Greensburg
Experience: Pastoral Assistant, Vestry, Diocesan Convention deputy leader, Lay Eucharistic Minister, Alpha, National Church Development, Youth Director, Youth Team Member, Coordinator Sunday School, and Adult Education, teacher, Stephen Minister, Cursillo, Choir, Altar Guild, ECW
Why are you interested in serving?
I want to serve our diocese by praying, working and helping to build bridges toward a common vision and grow us in our common life together in Christ.
The Committee on Canons
Three clergy and three lay persons
Currently in office: The Rev. Louis Hays (2011), Stephen Stagnitta (2009), Joan Gundersen (2011)
To be elected: Two clergy (2009, 2010), One lay person (2010)
Candidates for the Committee on Canons:
The Rev. Diane Shepard
Assisting Priest, Calvary Church, East Liberty
Experience: Served as Rector of St. Stephen’s, Wilkinsburg and Associate Rector of St. Andrew’s, Highland Park
Why are you interested in serving?
To help in structuring the canons as needed toward a clear, fair and open process and to build and sustain a climate of trust in this diocese
The Rev. Canon James Shoucair
Rector, Christ Church, North Hills
Experience: Secretary to Convention, Diocesan Convention Organizing Committee, Array, Committee on Canons, Board of Examining Chaplains, Continuing Education Committee, Ecumenical Officer of the Diocese
Why are you interested in serving?
As both a priest and an attorney, I believe that I can make a positive contribution to our diocese at this critical time in its history.
The Rev. Philip Wainwright
Rector, St. Peter’s Brentwood
Experience: Diocesan Representative to Christian Associates, Cathedral Chapter, District V Chair
Why are you interested in serving?
Father Wainwright is nominated because of his deep interest in and wealth of knowledge about the history of the Episcopal Church and Anglican Communion which will serve the diocese well if he is elected to represent us. He has closely followed issues before the National Church for many years, and his shared his knowledge and insight with his parishioners.
The Rev. Vicente Santiago
Hospice Chaplain
Priest, Greensburg
Experience: Array, Supply priest at St. Stephen’s, McKeesport, Served at St. James, Penn Hills, Men’s pastoral ministry, Stephen Ministry
Why are you interested in serving?
I wish to serve to help reorganize the Diocese of Pittsburgh in the Episcopal Church.
David Charonis
St. Andrew’s, Highland Park
Experience: Property Committee, Organist, Lay Reader, Vestry, Diocesan Convention Deputy, Confirmation Class instructor, Pews and Sitting Committee, Choirmaster, Church Camp Staff
Why are you interested in serving?
To actively participate in the rebirth and growth of our church in Western Pennsylvania
Lionel Deimel
Experience: Blogger on Episcopal Church topics; co-editor Pittsburgh Update blog, Progressive Episcopalians of Pittsburgh founding member, past president, current board member, Moderator of e-mail groups for PEP and Across the Aisle, Alternate and deputy to Diocesan Convention, Choir, Parish Relations Committee, Diocesan e-mail task force, Worship Commission, Organ Committee, Communications Committee, Parish Council, Via Media USA (attended General Convention 2006 as representative), published in “The Living Church”
Why are you interested in serving?
As a member of PEP and as an independent essayist, I have analyzed and written about the constitution and canons of both the diocese and The Episcopal Church. Recently, changes to the governing documents of our diocese have been motivated by hostility to The Episcopal Church. Now is the time to re-examine our constitution and canons with a concern for good governance and facilitating the mission of the Church. I hope to contribute to this project.
Wesley Rohrer
St. Andrew’s, Highland Park
Experience: Chalice Bearer, Lay Reader, Lay Eucharistic Minister, Chair of Parish Outreach Committee, Coordinator of the parish CWS/CROP walk, Vestry, Stephen Ministry
Why are you interested in serving?
I believe that service to the institutional church is not only a privilege but an obligation in fulfilling my lay ministry. With the grace of God I hope to have this opportunity to contribute to the processes of rebuilding and healing within a divided church. Among the gifts which I can offer are long experience in administrative processes and sound and balanced judgment.
Gwen Santiago
St. Stephen’s, McKeesport, and Greensburg
Experience: Pastoral Assistant, Vestry, Diocesan Convention deputy leader, Lay Eucharistic Minister, Alpha, National Church Development, Youth Director, Youth Team Member, Coordinator Sunday School, and Adult Education, teacher, Stephen Minister, Cursillo, Choir, Altar Guild, ECW
Why are you interested in serving?
I want to serve our diocese by praying, working and helping to build bridges toward a common vision and grow us in our common life together in Christ.
Daryl Walker
All Saints, Brighton Heights
Experience: Senior Warden, Altar Guild, Junior Warden, Sunday School
Why are you interested in serving?
I feel God is calling me to help with the reorganization.
The Chapter of Trinity Cathedral
Four members, two clergy and two lay persons, elected by the Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh
Currently in office: The Rev. Scott Quinn (2009), The Rev. Lynn Edwards (2011), Linda Getts (2011)
To be elected: One lay person
Candidates for the Cathedral Chapter:
James McMahon
Calvary Church, East Liberty
Experience: Choir, House of Deputies Coordinator at General Convention 2006, Young Adult Festival – General Convention 2003, Stewardship Committee, University Chaplaincy Assistant, Standing Commission on Communications
Why are you interested in serving?
I believe that the cathedral must play a central role as the diocese moves into the future, and I applaud their efforts at mediation and bringing all sides to the table.
Robert Pratt
St. Stephen’s, McKeesport
Experience: Parish Administrator, Deputy to Diocesan Convention, Diocesan Council, Cathedral Chapter, Committee on Canons
Why are you interested in serving?
Based on my past experience, I would be able to help in this transitional period.
Jeffrey Sivek
St. Stephen’s, Wilkinsburg
Experience: Youth Group Leader, Clerk of Vestry, Discernment Committee, Altar Guild Team Captain, Mission Trip Leader, Nominating Committee, Columbarium Committee, Chalice Bearer
Why are you interested in serving?
Since the early stages of the actions which culminated in the realignment of many Pittsburgh parishes, I have believed it was important that the process result in continued fellowship of all persons and groups involved. This spirit seems to be very present in the Cathedral’s intent to continue to serve as the Cathedral to all and to function as a common space, demonstrating our unity in Christ. I, therefore, desire to support this design in the most active manner that I see available to me.
Douglas Starr
St. Paul’s, Mt. Lebanon
Experience: Worship Committee, Association of Anglican Musicians Member, LPM instructor, Choir Festival host, Provided music at Cathedral and other diocesan liturgies
Why are you interested in serving?
To preserve the cathedral’s mission and center for worship and the arts
The Growth Fund
Two members appointed by Diocesan Council, two appointed by the Board of Trustees, and two elected by Diocesan Convention
Currently in office: Ardelle Hopson (2008), The Rev. Scott Quinn (2010)
To be elected: one person
Candidates for the Growth Fund:
Geoffrey Hurd
St. Paul’s, Mt. Lebanon
Experience: Deputy to Diocesan Convention, Stewardship Commission, Vestry, Junior Warden, Search Committees, Children and Youth Ministries Commission
Why are you interested in serving?
I would like to serve the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh as it resumes a more traditional role as part of the national church.
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