Smith Elected Dean of Trinity Cathedral

June 25, 2020

Dear friends in Christ,

Please join me in prayer and congratulations for the (now) Very Reverend Aidan Smith. We are pleased to announce that Aidan+ was unanimously elected Dean of Trinity Cathedral last night at a special meeting of the Cathedral Chapter.

Aidan+ has led the Cathedral as Provost since May 2019. In considering his nomination from your bishop, the Chapter noted that many members of the Cathedral community endorsed Aidan+ for his authenticity, engagement and warmth, as well as his potential to lead Trinity into the future. We wholeheartedly agree with that assessment.

We are also very pleased that in becoming the permanent Dean, Aidan+ fills a role that has been vacant since 2003. We are grateful to those who have cared for Trinity Cathedral in the intervening years, in particular the Reverend Canon Dr. Cathy Brall, who as Provost shepherded the Cathedral through the tumultuous split in the diocese; the Reverend Tim Hushion who served as Priest-in-Charge; the Very Reverend Canon Scott Quinn who brought stability as Interim Dean; the Reverends Philip Wainwright and Wesley Hill, who have served under Aidan+ and will continue to do so, as well as many other clergy who have served in various capacities; and with special appreciation, the devoted lay leaders and dedicated staff whose service is helping the Cathedral begin to secure its rightful place in the heart of this diocese and the city.

Aidan+’s appointment as Dean is effective immediately. A formal installation and celebration will take place at a later date when larger, in-person gatherings are possible.

Asking blessings on him, his family, the Trinity congregation, and all of us, we remain


(The Right Reverend) Dorsey W.M. McConnell, D.D.
VIII Bishop of Pittsburgh

David M. Payne
Chair, Cathedral Chapter Executive Committee