Dear Friends in Christ,
The events this past summer in Ferguson, Missouri, have reminded us all that we do not live in a post-racial society. It is simply a sad fact of our current life that racism and its consequences will be with us for a long time to come.
However, we do not have to resign ourselves to this reality. We can actually do something about it. Education is a first step.
The Commission on Race and Reconciliation (recently renamed from the Commission on Racism), is offering a training called "Seeing the Face of God" on October 3rd and 4th at the Church of the Redeemer in Squirrel Hill. This training is required for all clergy and lay leadership in the Diocese.
However, I am not asking you to consider taking it because it has been mandated by General Convention; I am asking you because it is a good first step in our understanding of what we can and need to do to mitigate the problem of racial injustice in our own diocese and region.
Betsy and I are both signed up for the two days, and we invite you to join us. The event will be held at the Church of the Redeemer in Squirrel Hill. Please register online at time invested is modest, and the benefit great..
On behalf of the Commission, I ask you to commend this weekend to your prayers, and I look forward to seeing you there.
Faithfully your bishop,