Nomination Deadline Extended for Elections at Diocesan Convention

Our diocese has navigated through significant challenges over the past ten years and we are now ready to define our future in terms of new/renewed mission and streamlined governance, reflecting who we are and strive to be.

Our governing bodies need to better reflect the diversity of our parishes and their congregations with all opinions and imaginations having voice in who we are becoming as a diocese. Project CREED has begun that process and we want and need everyone to consider playing an active role. This is OUR CHURCH and this is your opportunity to shape it! Please consider becoming a candidate, especially if you never have before!

We are now welcoming nominations of clergy and lay persons for election to membership on various governing bodies and committees of the Diocese. The following are positions to be elected at the 154th Diocesan Convention, November 15 & 16 at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary.

All are three-year terms except Standing Committee, which is a four-year term.

Standing Committee
One Clergy
One Layperson
Deputies to 2021 General Convention
Four Clergy & Four Lay Deputies
Four Clergy & Four Lay Alternates
Board of Trustees
Two Laypersons
District 1
One Layperson to Diocesan Council
Constitution & Canons
One Clergy
One Layperson
District 2
One Layperson to Diocesan Council
Disciplinary Board
Two Clergy
One Layperson
District 3
One Layperson to Diocesan Council
One Layperson to Board of Trustees
Commission on Ministry
One Layperson OR Clergy
District 4
One Layperson to Diocesan Council

Multiple candidates and self-nominations for open positions are encouraged and accepted. You do not need to be a deputy to Diocesan Convention to run for election.

Nomination forms have been mailed to all of the parishes in the Diocese, and are also available on the diocesan web site at A brief description of the canonical responsibilities of each of the boards and committees as well as information about the frequency and time of meeting is also available there. Nomination forms, which must be signed by the rector or senior warden of the nominee’s parish, and a brief bio and photograph, are now due in the diocesan office by July 31. Scanned versions of the form are acceptable and should be emailed to

We invite all faithful Episcopalians to prayerfully consider volunteering to serve the diocese as best suits their time and talents. The Co-Chairs of the Nominating Committee are Kathy Baird and the Rev. Julie Smith. If you have questions about the work of any of the diocesan committees, feel free to contact Kathy at, or Julie+ at