Love+Teach+Heal Academy 2022

Dear Friends,

As the Love+Teach+Heal Academy prepares to enter its fifth year, I invite and encourage you to participate in this exceptional program.

Love+Teach+Heal (LTH) Academy is a diocesan program intended to inspire, form, and equip individuals to serve as lay preachers and worship leaders in their home parishes. The curriculum includes an exploration of biblical and liturgical theology, teaching students how to communicate the content of their Christian faith in both church pulpits and the informal “pulpits” of home, school, and work. The Rev. Canon Natalie Hall (our Canon for Evangelism and Faith Formation) leads the Academy, and she has recruited several esteemed theologians and pastoral leaders to speak throughout the course, as well as myself and local Lutheran Bishop Kurt Kusserow.

LTH Academy will meet online Tuesday evenings from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. beginning October 18 and through the end of May. There will be a final in-person dinner and presentation together with myself and Bishop Kusserow. The cost to participate is limited to acquiring a small set of books (for which there is financial assistance if needed).

Here are brief reflections from recent LTH Academy participants:

I loved LTH Academy! I learned a great deal about our liturgy and sacraments. I also gained confidence in my ability to understand scriptures and create meaningful reflections/sermons based on them. Participating in LTH Academy led to my teaching Bible Study and creating worship services for our congregation. Canon Hall is a fantastic teacher! – Louise M.

LTH provided with me an additional way to enhance my adult education. Writing brief reflections on specific questions, leading up to a whole sermon, allowed me to do some soul-searching on my experiences, beliefs, and relationship with fellow Christians, as well as with Jesus Christ. LTH enabled us to develop relationships with other Christians who may never have met, and we became close. – Linda B.

The deadline to register is Monday, October 10.

It is my strong hope that every single parish in our diocese will be represented in this year’s LTH Academy. Our parishes and communities will be blessed by skilled communicators of our faith, creative eyes to see needed ministries, and trained leaders in every church. Please consider participating.  I’m eager to see you this year in the LTH Academy.

In Christ,

Bishop Ketlen
IX Bishop of Pittsburgh