Help Make Summer Arts Camp in Wilkinsburg a Reality

On May 6th, your dollar is worth more!

The Neighborhood Youth Outreach Program (NYOP) is planning to expand their programming beyond the school year by offering a three week camp for the youth of Wilkinsburg. There is a huge need for affordable opportunities for youth in Wilkinsburg during the summer months when school is not in session.  Due to tight funding, NYOP has been unable to offer summer programming since 2011. This year we are sure we can do it with a little help from our friends. The budget for the camp is $8,000, and any gift toward that goal will be extremely welcome.

There is a special opportunity coming up that will enable you to stretch your giving dollars. NYOP is one of the organizations that you can support at the annual Day of Giving, which falls this year on Tuesday, May 6, from 6 am until 12 midnight. The Day of Giving is a resource of the Pittsburgh Foundation. Each donation (between $25 and $1000) will receive a match. 

To donate, go to the Day of Giving website,, click on the Donate Now button, and search for Neighborhood Youth Outreach Program. Before  the Day of Giving, you can also go to the same website,  click on Nonprofit Search and search for Neighborhood Youth Outreach Program to find out more specific details about our ministry and the important work we think we do.

Of course, if you prefer, you can always donate by check, made out to NYOP and mailed to 600 Pitt St., Wilkinsburg, PA 15221. 

NYOP was founded by St. Stephen's Episcopal Church in Wilkinsburg in the mid-1990s. Its mission is to be a Christ-centered, arts-based community outreach program that empowers children, youth and their families to develop healthy relationships and lead responsible lives built on faith, hope and love. The diocese has actively supported this ministry since its founding.

Some highlights of this year include:

  • NYOP children worked with installation artist Tobias Madison to develop a play-based video installation that was a part of the Carnegie International.
  • NYOP has formed a partnership with the Neighborhood Academy to provide academic challenge to our older youth.  The Neighborhood Academy is a faith-based, college preparatory independent school who mission is to break the generational cycle of poverty by preparing low-income youth for college and citizenship.
  • The youth of NYOP went on a first-ever college field trip to Duquesne University, hosted by one of the NYOP volunteers, a student at Duquesne.
  • The students performed at both Diocesan Convention and at Absalom Jones Day.

Everyone is invited to see our youth perform at their Spring Showcase on Friday, June 6, at 7:00 p.m. at St. Stephen's.