Fall 2024 Anti-Racism Workshop: Seeing the Face of God in Each Other

Seeing the Face of God in Each Other, our diocesan anti-racism workshop, is taking place online via Zoom Friday, October 11, and Saturday, October 12, 2024.

These two days offer a few hours to focus on the beauty and the scope of humanity in the Church and in our world, helping us to go beyond the biases we have that make us push people away, ignore them, or exert power over them—sometimes unwittingly—based only on their appearance. It will help you move more deeply into the mystery of the Body of Christ gathered from every family, language, people and nation as a Kingdom of priests to serve our God. (Revelation 5: 9-10)

Why would you want to take this workshop, at this time?  Here are a few (but by no means all) reasons:

  • God calls each one of us to love our neighbors as ourselves.
  • Our nation is struggling with the impact of generations of systemic racism that affect everyone for the worse.
  • We, as a diocese, have committed ourselves to a journey toward healing the wounds of racism in our region through the Beloved Community Initiative.
  • As a diocese, we have also committed, by vote at diocesan convention, that all in leadership positions, in parishes or at the diocesan level, take the workshop as part of our responsibilities.
  • There is always more to learn!

The Commission on Race and Reconciliation has significantly updated and reshaped the workshop for a virtual-reality online experience. If you have taken it in the past and think you could use a brush-up, it would be worth your time.

Our ministry in Christ is to love, to teach and to heal. This workshop will further equip us to be healers.

or visit: https://forms.gle/rFQwQjiidR3G3zRT6

Friday, October 11 – Saturday, October 12

A Zoom workshop in four parts:

  • Preparatory work prior to gathering together
  • Friday evening, 5:50 – 9 p.m.
  • Saturday morning, 8:50 – 11:15 a.m.
  • Saturday afternoon, 1:15 – 4:30 p.m.

The last day to register is Friday, October 4. Registration is limited to the first 20 people who sign up in order to maintain the collaborative experience of the workshop.

All necessary materials and meeting links will be sent to participants prior to the workshop.
There are no fees for this important workshop.