End Gun Violence: PA Advocacy Day 2025

Recommended by the
Social Justice & Outreach Committee (SJO)

What is Advocacy Day? Advocacy Day is an annual day of visibility and advocacy in Harrisburg, where partners and constituents from across the commonwealth gather to meet with legislators, wear orange shirts and be a visible presence throughout the capitol, and hold a rally, filling the steps of the capitol.

This year we will be advocating for Extreme Risk Protection Orders (ERPOs), Secure Storage, Universal Background Checks, Lost & Stolen Firearm Reporting, Ending Untraceable “Ghost Guns” and 3-D Printed Firearms, and $80 million in Community Violence Intervention (CVI) funding in Gov. Shapiro’s FY25 Budget.

If you are interested in attending or have questions, please contact Marilyn Mulvihill, a member of the SJO, at mimi15143@yahoo.com. A bus departing from Station Square is planned along with other carpooling options.

A packet with more information is available here.