EfM Fall Enrollment is Now Open at Calvary!

What is EfM?

Education for Ministry (EfM) is a unique four-year theological education program that invites participants to explore their faith and deepen their understanding of Christian traditions. Through a combination of theological study, reflection, and group discussions, EfM fosters a vibrant learning community where individuals grow in their knowledge, spiritual growth, and ability to serve.

Who is EfM for?

EfM is for anyone seeking a deeper engagement with their faith, regardless of prior theological education or denominational affiliation. Whether you’re a layperson, clergy, or considering a vocation in ministry, EfM offers a nurturing environment to explore your beliefs, ask questions, and discover new perspectives.

What does the program entail?

The EfM program spans four years, during which participants gather weekly in small, diverse groups led by trained mentors. Key elements of the program include:

  1. Theological Education: Engage in thought-provoking readings covering various theological topics, biblical studies, church history, and ethics. Expand your knowledge and engage with the rich theological heritage of the Christian faith.
  2. Group Reflection: Join fellow participants in stimulating group discussions that encourage deep reflection and meaningful conversations. Share insights, explore diverse viewpoints, and develop critical thinking skills.
  3. Spiritual Formation: Deepen your personal relationship with God through prayer, worship, and spiritual practices. Experience personal growth and a strengthened connection with your faith community.
  4. Service and Outreach: Explore ways to apply your learning and faith to real-world situations. Engage in acts of service, social justice initiatives, and community outreach, reflecting the values of compassion and justice.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Do I need any prior theological knowledge to participate in EfM?
No prior theological education or knowledge is required. EFM welcomes individuals at all levels of understanding and experience.

What is the time commitment for EfM?
EfM involves a weekly meeting of approximately 2.5 to 3 hours during the academic year, with breaks during the summer months.

Is EfM affiliated with a specific denomination?
No. EfM is an inclusive program that welcomes participants from various Christian traditions. It is not tied to a specific denomination.

Can I join EfM if I’m not considering a vocation in ministry?
Absolutely! EFM is designed for anyone who desires a deeper exploration of their faith, regardless of vocational aspirations.

How can I get involved in EfM?

Calvary Episcopal Church in East Liberty (315 Shady Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, 15206) has enjoyed strong participation in this program over many years, and like other ministries, it has evolved with the times. Since the pandemic, EfM adapted to online programming, which for many people, is not just a workable path but a preferred way to study and be in the community.

There are two online options for EfM participation, beginning in September and concluding in May.

  • Monday Evenings
    Wendy Lomicak and Gaines Campbell will be co-mentoring the Monday evening group.  Gaines is a long-standing EfM Mentor and an EfM mentor trainer. Wendy is a recent EfM graduate who completed her mentor training in 2022.  For more information, contact Wendy at wenlom@gmail.com or call at 412.334.0981.
  • Thursday Mornings
    Barbara Brooks and Diane Santoriello will continue co-mentoring the Thursday morning group, which has enjoyed active participation over the past several years (photo from the recent graduation ceremony below). For more information, contact Barbara at  tipark4me@aol.com or call/text 412-726-9811 .

Don’t miss this opportunity to embark on a transformative journey of faith and knowledge! Join Education for Ministry today and unlock the doors to a deeper understanding of your spirituality.