ECW Spring 2025 Scholarships Available

The Episcopal Church Women established the Memorial Membership Fund to aid students with educational grants. The fund was begun in 1927 to be used for two missionary training scholarships. In the 94 years of its existence, the scope of the fund has widened to include nursing, theology and other humanitarian fields of study.

Funds are raised through gifts from individuals or groups in memory of a loved one or friend. This money is invested and the interest used for the granting purposes.

Each applicant must:

  • be an Episcopalian in good standing (active) in a parish in the Diocese of Pittsburgh,
  • have completed one year of college or the equivalent,
  • be pursuing education in either church or humanitarian related fields,
  • submit an application, including a letter stating goals and need, and
  • submit a reference letter from their parish priest.

The Memorial Membership Committee will consider each request based on individual need and circumstances. Scholarships are completely unencumbered and may be used as needed to aid the recipient in achieving their educational goals. Each eligible applicant is able to apply once a year for three years.

The applications must be received by Friday, May 2, 2025. The application form with submission instructions is available by clicking here.

For additional information please contact Betty Duckstein at