The Fall ECW/UTO Ingathering was held at Calvary Episcopal Church, East Liberty, on September 9, and the following ECW grants were approved:
Walk-in ministry, Trinity Cathedral, $1,000
Bishop's Discretionary Fund, $1,500
Living in Liberty, $700
Frank's Friends, St. Francis in the Fields $400
Christmas Day Dinner, Atonement, $1,000
Christmas Dinner, Advent/Brookline, $1,000
Food Bank, St. Matthew's, Homestead, $1,500
NYOP, St. Stephen's, Wilkinsburg, $1,800
Homeless Children's Education Fund, $500
Mustard Seed Children of Kigali, $1,500
Episcopal Relief & Development, $224.80
The two $1,200 scholarships were approved from the ECW Memorial Fund for the following recipients: Thomas Starr, Youngstown University, music composition (clergy, the Rev. Noah Evans) and Benito Stallings, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, divinity (clergy, the Rev. Nancy Chalfant-Walker).