ECW Announces Fall 2018 Grants

The following is a list of the ECW Fall grant disbursements approved by ECW at their Fall UTO Ingathering.
  Bishop’s Discretionary Fund $1,000
  Walk-in Ministry at Trinity Cathedral -Betty Duckstein $1,000
Subtotal $2,000
Home Missions
  Kitchen Crew Outreach, St. Paul’s Kittaning, Matthew Cornman $1,000
  Serenity House, St. Peter’s Brentwood, Canon J. Geisler $1,600
  Christmas Open House, Atonement, Carnegia, Becky Arbuckle $1,500
  Living in Liberty (combat human trafficking), B. Duckstein $  700
  Annual Christmas Dinner Advent, Brookline,  Jacqueline Hohmann $1,000
Subtotal $5,800
National and International
  Mustard Seed Street Children of Kigali -Rev. Christine McIlvain $  900
  Mustard Seed Babies Home, Uganda $  900
  Episcopal Relief and Development – Disaster Relief for Indonesia $1,092.40
Subtotal $2,892.40
Total of all Grants $10,692.40
Thank you from the Finance Committee: Janet Stephenson, Chair, Betsy Hetzler, President, Linda Getts, Treasurer, Alva Matous, Betty Duckstein.