The choirs of the Church of the Holy Cross in Homewood, the Church of the Redeemer in Squirrel Hill and St. Stephen’s Church in Wilkinsburg will jointly present a service of Lenten Lessons and Music: A Passiontide Meditation on Sunday, March 29, 2009 at 3:00 p.m. at Holy Cross Episcopal Church, 7507 Kelly St., in the Homewood neighborhood of Pittsburgh.
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The service is patterned after an annual choral tradition at St. John’s College, Cambridge, UK. Lenten carols, hymns, lessons from Holy Scripture, poetry and other readings reflect on Christ’s passion. The service comprises three parts: Gethsemane, The Trial, and The Crucifixion. Portions of the Passion Gospels will be read during the service.
Holy Cross is Pittsburgh’s only predominately African-American Episcopal parish and is marking, in 2009, its 134th year of Christian witness in the city.
The Rev. Dr. Moni McIntyre, The Rev. Cynthia Bronson Sweigert and The Rev. Nano Chalfant-Walker are the rectors of Holy Cross, Redeemer and St. Stephen’s respectively. Philip J. Cynar is organist/choir director at Holy Cross, William L. Ogburn is Redeemer’s organist and choirmaster and Bill Gesin is St. Stephen’s music director.
For more information about the Lenten Lessons and Music, contact Holy Cross’s church office at 412-242-3209.
Click here of a printable flyer. (PDF)