District 2 Workshop: Living into our Baptismal Covenant

All members of District 2 parishes are invited to the first of a series of events to deepen our faith and our connections to each other. This event will be held on the weekend of Dr. Martin Luther King Day and will honor his legacy.

On Saturday, January 14, join us for a time of study and deep conversation facilitated by Rev. Canon Eric McIntosh. In our congregations, we baptize or reaffirm our baptismal covenant regularly. We profess, and we want to believe that we seek and serve Christ in every person, and we respect the dignity of every human being. This is an opportunity to study scripture and have deep conversations about how we actually can do that. We will gather from 10 – 11:30 a.m. at St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church, 336 E. 10th Avenue, Homestead (a few blocks from the Waterfront shopping center).

The parishes of District 2 are Calvary, East Liberty; Holy Cross, Homewood; Redeemer, Squirrel Hill; St. Andrew’s, Highland Park; St. James, Penn Hills; St. Matthew’s, Homestead; St. Stephen’s, Wilkinsburg; and St. Thomas, Oakmont.

Due to the pandemic there have been few opportunities for the district’s members to gather and build community.  Please join in this special opportunity. To indicate that you will attend, please respond to Deacon Carter Hawley at crickshawley@gmail.com.