Please join Bishop McConnell and ELCA Bishop Kurt Kusserow at 10 a.m. on Saturday, February 13, for an ecumenical celebration of the lives of the Rev. Absalom Jones and Pastor Jehu Jones.

The Rev. Absalom Jones
Absalom Jones (1746–1818) founded the first black Episcopal congregation in Philadelphia in 1794, and in 1802, he was the first African American to be ordained as a priest in the Episcopal Church. Jones is listed on the Episcopal calendar of saints and is remembered liturgically on the date of his death, February 13. Find more about the Rev. Absalom Jones at

Pastor Jehu Jones, Jr.
Jehu Jones Jr. (1786–1852) was the first African American Lutheran pastor who, also in Philadelphia, founded the first African-American Lutheran congregations in the United States in 1834. Jones, Jr. was actively involved in improving the social welfare of all African-Americans. Find more about Pastor Jehu Jones at

The Rev. Charles Fischer, III
The homilist will be the Rev. Charles L. Fischer III, VP for Seminary Advancement at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. More about Fischer is available at
Trinity Cathedral, Pittsburgh, will be the host of the service. The service will be streamed live on the following Facebook pages:
Trinity Cathedral:
Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh:
Beloved Community Initiative: