Category: Youth

Religious Education Survey

The Christian Education Director at St. Brendan’s, Franklin Park, Joyce Donadee, has offered to form a network of religious educators among the parishes of the… Read More

North Park Hike With Bishop Johnson

Youth from around the diocese will be gathering in North Park on August 22nd for a day of games, hiking, lunch and liturgy. All junior… Read More

Bishop Johnson Visits Sheldon Calvary Camp

In the Dining Hall last Wednesday, July 22nd, the voices of two hundred and fifty or so campers and staff cheered an enthusiastic (and loud)… Read More

Jazz on the Lawn

St. Michael’s of the Valley Episcopal Church invites the community to a delightful summer evening of music on Friday, June 26 at 6:30 p.m. Tony… Read More

Episcopal Camps Nurture Faith and Friendships

The following is excerpted from an article published by Episcopal Life Online on June 10, 2009 By Pat McCaughan ‘Holy ground’ Horseback riding, archery, arts… Read More

Sheldon Calvary Camp 2009… Its 73rd Year!

As the school year winds down and sights are set on the summer, Calvary Camp is ramping up for its 73rd consecutive year of recreation… Read More

Diocesan Council Aids Youth Programs & Parishes

Over $35,000 in grants, reduced assessment for some parishes, and a new youth initiative were approved by Diocesan Council this week, in an overwhelming show… Read More

Diocesan Youth Initiative Group Formed, Seeks Input

The newly formed Diocesan Youth Initiative is gathering information on the current youth programs in existence around the diocese. If your parish has an active… Read More