Category: News

Opportunities in Social Justice and Outreach

At the 2015 General Convention, The Episcopal Church affirmed racial reconciliation and concern about mass incarceration as two of its top priorities. The United States… Read More

Lenten Learning Day ’17

Mark your calendar for Saturday, March 18, and plan to participate in a special day of learning and fellowship! Lenten Learning Day '17 is the premier… Read More

2017 Parish Mission Grants Available

Dear Friends in Christ, This is an exciting time in the life of our diocese.  Just look at all that has happened within the last… Read More

The Child Chooses Us

Dearly Beloved in the Lord, Why has this Child chosen to come to us? Babies just are; they don’t choose to be born. But this Child, this Jesus Christ, so chooses.

Presiding Bishop’s Visit to Launch Series

The Episcopal Church is working with diocesan teams, including one in Pittsburgh, to organize a series of Episcopal Revivals in 2017 and 2018, six major events that promise to stir and renew hearts for Jesus, to equip Episcopalians as evangelists, and to welcome people who aren’t part of a church to join the Jesus Movement.

The Presiding Bishop’s Pilgrimage for Reconciliation, Healing and Evangelism in Southwestern Pennsylvania

The Jesus Movement in Pittsburgh  February 3 to 5, 2017 "In Christ, God was reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and… Read More

Ordination to the Priesthood

God Willing, Bishop Dorsey McConnell will ordain Joseph Paul Baird to the Sacred Order of Priests…

2017 Visitation Schedule and Diocesan Cycle of Prayer

Bishop McConnell's 2017 visitation schedule is now available for download and printing by clicking here. The calendar on the diocesan web site has also been updated. A printable version of… Read More

Feed My Sheep, Special Edition

I know it's a blessed and busy time of year, but I wanted to share exciting plans with you for Presiding Bishop Michael Curry's visit… Read More

From the Treasurer: Mileage Rates for 2017

Beginning on Jan. 1, 2017, the standard mileage rates for the use of a car (also vans, pickups or panel trucks) will be: 53.5 cents per… Read More