Category: News

Spring 2016 Anti-Racism Workshop

The Commission on Race and Reconciliation presents "Seeing the Face of God in Each Other" Spring 2016 Anti-Racism Workshop Friday and Saturday – April 22 & 23,… Read More

Pittsburgh Daughters of the King 2016 Spring Assembly

Saturday, April 30, 2016 Hosted by Daughters of Advent Chapter Church of the Advent, 101 Clay Avenue, Jeannette, PA 15644, 724-523-9390 Registration: 9:30 a.m., Opening… Read More

Alleluia! Christ is risen! The New Creation has Begun.

Dear Friends in Christ, Once again the Alleluia's ring out. Christ is risen! The grave is empty! Death is undone. A new creation has dawned…. Read More

In Appreciation: Lee Hicks, Who “Wanted to Serve”

Family, friends, and associates will gather on April 2 at 12:30 p.m. at Calvary Church, East Liberty, for a memorial service in Lee’s honor. He died… Read More

Episcopal Bishops Issue A Word to the Church

"We reject the idolatrous notion that we can ensure the safety of some by sacrificing the hopes of others.” [March 15, 2016] The House of Bishops… Read More

Good Friday Offering

EDUCATION is the FOUNDATION for PEACE The Social Justice and Outreach Committee of our Diocese would like to draw the attention of our parishes to the… Read More

Cursillo Ultreya

Saturday, April 9, 2016, 2 – 4 p.m. at St. Thomas Memorial Church, 378 Delaware Avenue, Oakmont, PA 15139 Music leader: The Rev. Bert Daly Lay witness:  Jessie Hipolit from… Read More

Holy Cross Organ Concert

An Organ Concert of Sacred and Classical Music Featuring John Cannon Sunday, April 3, 2016, 2 – 4 p.m. The Church of the Holy Cross 7507 Kelly Street, Pittsburgh, PA … Read More

Good Friday Concert at Calvary

March 25, 2016 at 8 p.m. Three Cantatas by Johann Sebastian Bach.

2016 Garden Grants Available this Spring

Again in 2016, the diocesan Social Justice and Outreach (SJO) Committee will offer grants to fund garden initiatives. For the last three years, the diocesan… Read More