Category: News

Next Steps: Moving Forward with Grace

Next Steps: Moving Forward with Grace Trinity Cathedral Thursday, October 16, 2008 7:00 – 9:00 PM An update will be offered Thursday on how the… Read More

“FAQs for Parishes” has been updated

Across The Aisle published a "FAQ" on Saturday, October 4, 2008 which contains critical steps needed to be taken by parishes, or in some cases… Read More

To the Members of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh

October 4, 2008 To the Members of the Diocese of Pittsburgh: As I am sure you have heard by now, the vote which attempts to… Read More

Statement From Our Presiding Bishop Concerning Today’s Actions

The following statement is from Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori concerning the actions today in Pittsburgh. The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori Presiding Bishop and… Read More

Frequently Asked Questions concerning the on-going Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh (UPDATED 10/17/08)

A few critical steps need to be taken by parishes, or in some cases individuals, to continue participating in the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh in… Read More

New York Times Previews Convention (Updated)

A  New York Times article published Thursday, October 2, 2008 spotlights efforts by Across the Aisle members to keep the diocese in the Episcopal Church. … Read More

NEXT STEPS: After Convention

The following information is designed to explain what will happen now that “realignment” has been approved by the Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of… Read More

List of Parishes Committed to Remaining in the Episcopal Church (Updated)

The parishes listed here are those whose congregations are active participants in the life of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh of the Episcopal Church. It… Read More

Convention Traffic Information Update

From Although construction is not currently scheduled for the Parkway East (376 E) this coming Saturday, convention participants planning on using this route to… Read More

Defending The Faith: Across the Aisle Responds to Charges about Belief

The following Letter to the Editor was published in the September 29, 2008, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. It follows an Op-Ed piece and other comments in the… Read More