Category: Diocesan News and Information

Serviam Institute Online Learning

Online Learning Pilot Now Underway Sign up now to access free content from the Diocese of Pennsylvania! A year ago, the Diocese of Pennsylvania launched… Read More

Pittsburgh Gun Violence Forum

Join the Zoom discussion at 7 p.m. on Sunday, April 20, here:

An Easter Message from Bishop Ketlen

“Christ is alive! Let Christians sing. His cross stands empty to the sky. Let street and homes with praises ring. His love in death shall… Read More

The Bible With and Without Jesus: Interfaith Christian/Jewish Conversations

A Conversation between Jews & Christians toward Friendship & Discovery Join the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh and our interfaith partners as we read portions of… Read More

Property Maintenance Workshop

Our church properties are like a beloved family member. They are a part of our sacred and special celebrations. They also require work and care,… Read More

Local Parish Medical Debt Campaigns Far Exceed Expectations

The results continue to amaze. Over $40,000 raised. Nearly $9 million in medical debt forgiven. More than ten thousand individuals given relief. Three parishes –… Read More

A Pastoral Letter from the Pennsylvania Bishops

We, the bishops of the Episcopal Church in Pennsylvania: The Rt. Rev. Daniel G. P. Gutierrez, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania; The Rt…. Read More

Ash Wednesday “Ashes to Go”

As Christians mark the start of Lent, clergy and lay ministers in the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh will be distributing ashes out in public in… Read More

St. Peter’s, Brentwood Launches Search for Next Priest

St. Peter’s Church in Brentwood is searching for a part-time priest-in-charge to serve the parish and its larger community.  View the Priest Search section of… Read More

A Pastoral Word from the Presiding Bishop on the Death of Tyre Nichols

Sense cannot be made of the murder of a young man at the hands of five men whose vocation and calling are to protect and… Read More