Category: Diocesan News and Information

Single Use Plastics (SUP) Challenge

From the Diocesan Social Justice and Outreach Committee: Plastic in the oceans kills  over a  million  sea birds, 100,000 marine mammals, and countless fish every… Read More

Children’s Ministry Team Book Study

The Children’s Ministry Team is conducting an online book study of Love First: A Children’s Ministry for the Whole Church by Colette Potts. A copy… Read More

2019 Visitation Schedule and Diocesan Cycle of Prayer Now Available

Bishop McConnell’s 2019 visitation schedule is now available for download and printing by clicking here. A printable version of the 2019 Diocesan Cycle of Prayer… Read More

An Invitation to Shabbat From Our Jewish Neighbors

All are warmly invited to a Shabbat service, reception, & conversation to connect with some of our Jewish neighbors in Pittsburgh. Congregation Beth Shalom 5915… Read More

Save the Date: Lenten Learning Day 2019

Mark your calendar for Lenten Learning Day 2019, Saturday, March 23, at St. Brendan’s Episcopal Church in Franklin Park.  This will be a special day… Read More

Love+Teach+Heal Academy Launches This Month

I am pleased to announce that the Love+Teach+Heal Leadership Academy is ready to launch and will meet beginning the second week of January! As you… Read More

The God-Bearer: A Christmas Reflection from Bishop McConnell

Christmas, 2018 Beloved in Christ, It is hard to see them the way they were: mother, husband, child, exhausted, sheltered in the nick of time,… Read More

Important IRS Updates for Parishes and Clergy

1.  “Parking Lot Tax” – You may have heard about the IRS issuing guidance this week regarding the “Parking Lot Tax” which was part of the… Read More

Advent: Memory and Hope

So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new! 2 Corinthians 5:17  … Read More

Court Approves Property Agreement

A final legal requirement has been met for an agreement between the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh and nine congregations that chose to leave the Episcopal… Read More