Category: Diocesan News and Information

Introducing a GETTING TO KNOW YOUR NEIGHBORS Starter’s Guide

Just then a lawyer stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he said, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” He said to him, “What… Read More

Call for Convention Resolutions

The Resolutions Committee of Diocesan Council is now accepting items to be considered at our next diocesan convention. Proposed resolutions may be submitted by any… Read More

Ordinations to the Sacred Order of Priests

Reaching Out in Scottdale

RenewalWorks Brings New Life at St. Bartholomew’s When the Rev. Lenny Anderson arrived at St. Bartholomew’s, Scottdale, the parish was in a place familiar to… Read More

ECW Spring 2019 Grants Announced

The Spring ECW/UTO Ingathering was held at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Mt. Lebanon, on Saturday, May 4. The following grants were approved:   DIOCESE: Bishop’s Discretionary Fund $1500 Sheldon… Read More

A New Future for Trinity House

June 3, 2019 Dear sisters and brothers in Christ, During my time as your bishop, among my utmost concerns has been the vitality of Trinity… Read More

Diocesan Transitions for May 2019

At their meeting on January 23, the Standing Committee elected as their officers for 2019. Russell Ayres, member of Calvary, East Liberty, was re-elected and… Read More

“Healing Communities” Training

At a time when one out of every 28 Pennsylvanians are under criminal justice system control, whether in prison, jail, on probation or parole, it… Read More

University Chaplaincy Grant

Congratulations to the Rev. Dan Isadore for being awarded $14,000 from the Episcopal Church’s Office for Young Adult and Campus Ministries. The grant will help… Read More

Project CREED: Questions and Answers

Q. What is Project CREED? A. Project CREED is a special project of the Diocese of Pittsburgh to Re-envision the Diocese for the 21st Century… Read More