Category: Diocesan Convention

Bishop Price Accepts Convention’s Affirmation

By a unanimous  vote today, the governing convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh approved the Rt. Rev. Kenneth L. Price, Jr. as the diocese’s… Read More

2009 Diocesan Convention Evening Prayer Sermon By Bishop Price

Evening Prayer Trinity Cathedral 10/16/09 John 15:20-16:1 It is an honor and a privilege to be with you this evening on the eve of the… Read More

Diocese To Hold Convention This Weekend

The Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh reaches an important milestone and moves into a new phase of rebuilding this weekend. It meets in convention to approve… Read More

Bishop Price: Looking Forward to Being Here, “Very Much So”

Bishop Kenneth Price describes himself as having a "genuine love of people," a recognition of a "need for the daily direction of our Lord and… Read More

Call for Convention Choir

Trinity Cathedral is hosting this fall’s diocesan convention, and it will conclude with a festival ordination eucharist at 2:45 p.m. We would like to have… Read More

Meet Bishop Price

Bishop Kenneth L. Price, Jr. will be introduced to the diocese at his first public gathering in Pittsburgh since accepting a nomination to serve as… Read More

Just-released Pre-convention Journal Gives a Picture of the Diocese (Corrected)

A detailed description of who we now are as a diocese, what we are doing, and where we might be headed, can be found in… Read More

Bishop Nominated To Lead Pittsburgh Diocese

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 3, 2009 BISHOP NOMINATED TO LEAD PITTSBURGH DIOCESE Convention to Vote on the Rt. Rev. Kenneth L. Price to be Provisional… Read More

Three Letters to the People of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh

A Letter From The Standing Committee to the People of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh From Bishop Price: Accepting an Adventure A Note from Bishop… Read More

Rector Helps Community Mourn Loss of Special Civil Servant

It’s not everyday that an Episcopal priest leads a funeral procession for a dog. But it’s not everyday that a community comes together to mourn… Read More