An Update on the Development of an Episcopal Community in Brookline

There has been a recent development in the ongoing conversation regarding the development of an Episcopal community in Brookline. Church of the Advent has served the Brookline community for many years. In the recent past, the parish’s rectory served as the site for the initial development of the Abbey of St. Nicholas. During the last few months, several changes have taken place, which are propelling our ministry in Brookline in a new direction.

As part of a personal journey of discovery, the Rev. William “Biff” Carpenter discerned and chose to embrace a new vocational path. As a result, at the end of August Biff+ concluded his ministry at Church of the Advent to move to Florida where he is now pursuing a course of study to learn the ins and outs of boat/yacht building and repair. Yet, the proverbial saying “when one door closes, another opens” seems apropos in this case.

During the summer Bishop Ketlen explored the potential for a ministry endeavor with St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Mt. Lebanon, inviting St. Paul’s to consider partnering with the diocese to develop an Episcopal community in Brookline. St. Paul’s gave thoughtful consideration to the idea and submitted a proposal to Bishop Ketlen, an interesting proposal that is now beginning to take shape.

St. Paul’s is a natural fit because of their proximity to Brookline and the fact that they have many families who reside there, and they have the resources, expertise and energy to put into the development of that property and into an Episcopal community. St Paul’s model of ministry also works well with the vision for an Episcopal community, particularly as they already worship at six different sites. In brief, St. Paul’s is engaging in a 3-year project partnering with the diocese, the last year of which will be about discerning what the future of that property might be after exploring different avenues.

While many details are still in the works, at the beginning of September, St. Paul’s assumed oversight responsibility for the rectory and building of Church of the Advent. St. Paul’s Associate Rector and the Priest-in-Charge at St. Peter’s in Brentwood, have moved into the rectory, an arrangement which will place them in close proximity to the respective parishes they serve.

The Rev. Noah Evans, rector of St. Paul’s, highlights the fact that the building is already doing incredible ministry through the way it is connected to the local community and, in particular, the impact it has on people in recovery. The building houses four AA meetings each week, including one of the only midday AA meetings in the South Hills region. After visiting, Noah+ said that every seat was filled in their parish hall because there were so many attendees. Each week, well over 100 people attend a recovery meeting in the building. This demonstrates the enormous impact this space has in the Brookline community. Noah+ adds that “At St Paul’s we believe that the parish is a geographical area. We serve the wider community and that’s embedded in who we are. So, this is just an extension of that; how can we serve the Brookline community?”