On a Mission to Africa

Since 2007, I have helped direct Pilgrim Africa, an ecumenical ministry of evangelism and redevelopment for northeast Uganda.  I will be writing and supplying updates over the course of my current trip to that region.


I am sitting on a plane in Istanbul, about to head to Entebbe, Uganda.  From my window I can see the minarets of a mosque, and around me is a swirl of languages — European, Asian and African.

The Wi-Fi situation at the airport here turned out to be hopeless, so I will have to wait until Sunday to post something longer..

Pilgrim AfricaFor now, know that I am going to renew old friendships; support the work of Pilgrim Africa in public health, malaria control, education, and agriculture; build relationships for the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh with the churches of Uganda; and, explore mission possibilities for us as a diocese, especially in the areas of medicine and education.  I will be meeting with bishops, pastors, physicians, teachers, lots of schoolchildren, farmers, midwives, government ministers, social workers and dozens of Pilgrim field staff.

I hope you will see this as an exciting opportunity for the Diocese of Pittsburgh to begin to make new friendships with a community I have known for years, and that builds on work some of you have already started in western Uganda and Rwanda.  Please pray for my journey, that God will be glorified in all I say and do here. You are all in my prayers and I know I bring you with me in spirit and in my heart.

Fondly in Christ,
crux est mundi medicina