Author: The Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh

Love+Teach+Heal Academy Launches This Month

I am pleased to announce that the Love+Teach+Heal Leadership Academy is ready to launch and will meet beginning the second week of January! As you… Read More

The God-Bearer: A Christmas Reflection from Bishop McConnell

Christmas, 2018 Beloved in Christ, It is hard to see them the way they were: mother, husband, child, exhausted, sheltered in the nick of time,… Read More

Important IRS Updates for Parishes and Clergy

1.  “Parking Lot Tax” – You may have heard about the IRS issuing guidance this week regarding the “Parking Lot Tax” which was part of the… Read More

Free Christmas Day Dinner & Open House in Carnegie (Volunteers Needed)

Each year, in celebration of the holiday season and in our Christian tradition, The Church of the Atonement in Carnegie  serves over 200 FREE hot… Read More

Icon Workshop in Franklin Park

Byzantine iconography is a highly structured and disciplined art form which combines prayer and painting techniques to create serene images of Christ, Mary, the angels and… Read More

Cathedral Christmas Carol Sing-along

Advent: Memory and Hope

So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new! 2 Corinthians 5:17  … Read More

Court Approves Property Agreement

A final legal requirement has been met for an agreement between the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh and nine congregations that chose to leave the Episcopal… Read More

Diocesan Transitions, November 2018

The Rev. Charles Hamill and his wife, Bethany, celebrated the birth of their first child, Owen Gregory, on March 16, 2018. Effective May 30, 2018, the… Read More

Ordination to the Priesthood