Author: The Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh

Wholly Holy: Exploring Faith, Practice, and Belonging

Wholly Holy: Exploring Faith, Practice, and Belonging in Judaism and Christianity is a series about Jewish and Christian lifecycle events and why we observe them… Read More

Nomination Deadline Extended for Elections at Diocesan Convention

Our diocese has navigated through significant challenges over the past ten years and we are now ready to define our future in terms of new/renewed… Read More

Youth Choir to Perform at Trinity Cathedral

On Sunday, July 14, the Davidson United Methodist Church youth choir from Washington, PA, will be at Trinity Cathedral for the 10:30 a.m. service. All… Read More

Evensong to Welcome the Archbishop of Burundi to Oakmont

On Friday, July 5, at 7:30 p.m., St. Thomas Church in Oakmont will welcome the Archbishop and Primate of the Anglican Church of Burundi, the… Read More

St. Mary Magdalene Lutheran Episcopal Church Offers Book Study

From the Rev. Canon Natalie Hall: I went to a conference recently – one sponsored by a church organization – and the first time I… Read More

Introducing a GETTING TO KNOW YOUR NEIGHBORS Starter’s Guide

Just then a lawyer stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he said, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” He said to him, “What… Read More

Getting to Know Your Neighbors Starter’s Guide

This guide is intended to provide a starting point for people and parishes who are interested in getting to know their neighbors, but who aren’t… Read More

Call for Convention Resolutions

The Resolutions Committee of Diocesan Council is now accepting items to be considered at our next diocesan convention. Proposed resolutions may be submitted by any… Read More

Ordinations to the Sacred Order of Priests

A Celebration of New Ministry in Crafton on June 30

Join Bishop McConnell and ELCA Bishop Kurt Kussarow at St. Matthew Evangelical Lutheran Church In Crafton for “An Invitation to Service,” welcoming the Rev. Doug… Read More