Dear Friends,
Ash Wednesday and our Lenten season is almost upon us! And, it is time to register for our 24-hour Diocesan-wide Virtual Prayer Vigil!
This virtual vigil on Zoom starts at 7 a.m. on March 5 (Ash Wednesday), and ends at 7 a.m. on Thursday, March 6. And so, there are lots of hourly opportunities to pray.
The time to register is upon us. You can do so through the link included below. Our aim is to have small groups praying during each hour of these 24 hours. Guidance on how to pray, as well as suggested topics to pray about, will be sent to those who register.
I cannot stress enough the urgent need for us to pray in earnest about all sorts of things. There is so much for us to pray about. While prayer is at the heart of our ethos of worship, specific and dedicated times of prayer are effective in allowing for a greater release of God’s power in the world. Hence, this well-known admonition to Pray without ceasing from the apostle Paul (1 Thess. 5:17) emphasizes the value of being persistent in reaching out to God in prayer.