A Day of Lenten Reflection in Brookline

Lenten journeys can take many forms. Some people choose to give up things or to fast. Some choose to take on difficult tasks. This year, I plan on investigating what it means to rest in God’s love and affection. The term metanoia means something like, “to change the way we process or understand”.

On Saturday, February 17th, The Abbey of Saint Nicholas in Brookline will be hosting a time of reflection (10 am – 3pm) to discuss a Lent of self-care and accepting God’s love for us. A light meal of vegetarian bruschettas, water, and fruit teas will be provided – if you would like to help, just bring a couple bucks.

This is not going to be overly structured; it will be a time of thoughtful conversation and ideas, noon prayer, and a concluding meditation exercise. To RSVP, please email saintnicksabbey@gmail.com.

The Abbey of Saint Nicholas, 3010 Pioneer Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15226