Preconvention Hearings, Convention Workshops and Agenda

To: All Clergy, Lay Deputies and Senior Wardens

From: The Rev. Canon James Shoucair, Secretary to Convention 

The 147th Annual Convention of the Diocese will be held:

Friday and Saturday, November 9 and 10, 2012
at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral
328 Sixth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15222

In advance of the convention, it is expected that every clergy and lay deputy attend a Preconvention Information Session.  For your convenience, three sessions will be offered.  In advance, we thank our host congregations for their hospitality.

Tuesday, October 30, 7:30 p.m.
Calvary Episcopal Church (East Liberty)
315 Shady Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15206

Thursday, November 1, 7:30 p.m.
St. David's Episcopal Church (Peters Township)
905 E. McMurray Road, Venetia, PA 15367

 Sunday, November 4, 2:00 p.m.
St. Michael's of the Valley Episcopal Church (Ligonier)
2535 Route 381, Rector, PA 15677

The purpose of the information sessions is to prepare for Diocesan Convention, both as to substance of matters to come before convention and for preliminary discussion and understanding.  All deputies should bring the preconvention materials to the meeting.  These materials will be available to download prior to the meetings from the website at  Deputies who requested materials by mail will receive them prior to the meetings. Please note that convention business begins Friday at 5:00 p.m.

Be reminded that in order for lay deputies to be seated at convention, each parish needs to have filed a parochial report for 2011, completed a parish audit for 2011, and be current in their assessment payments to the diocese.

Click here for a printable version of this announcement 

Click here for a printable agenda

Click here for a 2012 Diocesan Convention Registration Form

Click here for a Display Reservation Form


Diocesan Convention Workshops

Saturday, November 10, 2012 – 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. at Trinity Cathedral

All workshops are open to the public and all members of the diocese are encouraged to attend.

1. Visioning and Stewardship

Michael Davis, partner in the consulting firm Evan Davis Company and an active leader in the Diocese of Southern Ohio, will talk about visioning as a long-range planning process that creates a road map for the church in order to enhance and grow ministries, improve worship and aid in fulfilling the church's mission.  Implementation of process also aids in enhancing stewardship.

2. Getting to Know Trinity Cathedral

Bill Kaiser, life-long member of Trinity Cathedral and its docent, will discuss Trinity Cathedral and its ministries.  The rich history of Trinity and its adjoining burial ground roots the Episcopal Church in the life of downtown Pittsburgh.  He will highlight the riches of the architecture, arts, and furnishings, introduce the ministries of the Cathedral, and lead a tour of the building from third floor to undercroft and the burial ground.

3. The Church and Healing Ministries

The Rev. David Else, priest and psychologist, will lead participants in a discussion of healing.  In a quick-fix instant-cure society dominated by mega-medicine businesses, the deep need calls for a restoration of healing in our community.  The Church, which was the seedbed of medicine centuries ago, needs to resume its leadership in the restoration of healing ministries.

4. Islam in Pittsburgh: Communities of Faith

An overview of the vibrancy of Pittsburgh's local Islamic communities, including their commitment to building interfaith understanding, will be offered by several Muslim presenters.  The panel and discussion will be moderated by the Rev. Cynthia Bronson Sweigert.

5. Let's Sing!

David Schapp, Trinity Cathedral organist and choirmaster, will lead participants in an hour of song, both familiar and new.  No audition is required, just joyful anticipation of stretching our faith by singing with others.

6. A Look from General Convention 2012

Andy Muhl, a member of our diocesan communication team and a lay deputy to General Convention, will take you on a photo trip to Indianapolis. Other clergy and lay deputies will share their perspectives. You will gain an understanding of Episcopal governance, legislative process, and the decision making of the House of Deputies and House of Bishops.  Other facets of the General Convention will also be discussed.

7. Update on Legal Issues and Property Issues

Andy Roman, Chancellor of the diocese, and Joan Gundersen, Administrator of Property, will provide a status report on legal and property issues and on what lies ahead for the diocese.

2012 Diocesan Convention Agenda

Friday, November 9


3:00 p.m.   Exhibit Set-up

4:00 p.m.   Registration

                  Light refreshments available

5:00 p.m.   Opening Prayer

                  Call to Order

5:05 p.m.   Welcome from the Provost

5:10 p.m.   Election of Secretary

                  Appointment of Parliamentarian

                  Appointment of Judge of Elections

5:15 p.m.   Waivers of Requirements

5:20 p.m.   Welcome of Resumed Parishes

                  Declaration of Quorum

                  Roll Call

                  Approval of Minutes

5:30 p.m.   Adoption of General Rules of Order

                  Adoption of Agenda

6:00 p.m.   Report of Nominating Committee

                  First Ballot

6:15 p.m.   Recognition of Special Guests

6:30 p.m.   Seating of New Bishop/Eucharist

7:45 p.m.   Reception

Saturday, November 10

8:00 a.m.   Registration

9:00 a.m.   Morning Prayer

9:30 a.m.   Call to Order

                  Declaration of Quorum

                  Recognition of Special Guests

9:35 a.m.   Election Report & Second Ballot

9:45 a.m.   Bishop's Address

10:15 a.m. Break

10:30 a.m. Workshops

11:40 a.m. Report & Adoption of Revisions to Constitution & Canons

12:10 pm   Budget Presentation and Adoption

12:40 p.m. Lunch

1:25 p.m.   District Elections

2:10 p.m.   Chancellor's Report

2:30 p.m.   Report & Adoption of Compensation Guide

2:40 p.m.   Adoption of Resolutions

2:55 p.m.   Adoption of Courtesy Resolutions

3:10 p.m.   Adjournment