A Letter from the Bishop about our Canon Treasurer

Dear Friends,

Some of you already know that many, many months ago our diocesan treasurer, Canon Kathi Workman, decided that the time was coming for her to retire. She had informed Bishop McConnell of her intentions even before the search for his successor began. Eventually, she chose the end of 2021, so that she and her husband, Jim, could retire together.

So, with that time now upon us, Kathi will soon step down from her full-time position. Thankfully, she will remain with us a short while longer while a new treasurer is hired and brought onboard. I will be sad to see her go. Even in our short time together, I have come to appreciate her as a warm and caring person. She is a gifted financial administrator who approaches her work and makes decisions by putting pastoral considerations in the forefront. Those of you who have known Kathi for a much longer time already know the depth of her dedicated service.

I have asked a small group of diocesan lay leaders to help identify Kathi’s replacement. The group is composed of David Bischoff, a member of the Board of Trustees and who will chair the team, along with Jerry Stephenson, outgoing Board of Trustees President, and Kathy Baird, who is both a member of the Standing Committee and Diocesan Council President. The Rev. Canon Kim Karashin will assist them as my staff liaison.

The committee will accept applications through the end of December with the hope of having a new treasurer in place early next year. Again, I am grateful that Kathi has agreed to extend her service to the diocese to ensure a smooth transition.

Canon Kathi has gone above and beyond the call of duty by substantially delaying her retirement. Please join me in extending to her our heartfelt gratitude and good wishes as she prepares to enter this exciting new phase of life.


The Rt. Rev. Ketlen A. Solak, D.Min.
IX Bishop of Pittsburgh