Love+Teach+Heal Leadership Academy 2019-2020

Exploring ways to know and serve God and God’s people, together

What is the Love+Teach+Heal Leadership Academy?

The LTH Leadership Academy consists of organized groups of dedicated laypeople throughout the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh, exploring Christian faith, life, and practices. We seek growth in Christian faith for personal, public, and church settings, building up the body of Christ, together.

Lay leaders from the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh will meet regularly to:

  • Grow together in Christian faith, practice, and leadership.
  • Develop skills and vision for ministry to support their parish.
  • Discern interest and sense of call to serve as licensed Lay Reader, Eucharistic Minister, Eucharistic Visitor, Preacher, or Evangelist (in any combination!).
  • Connect with others from across the diocese to explore opportunities for creative ministry development.

During our program pilot earlier this year, we saw the Love+Teach+Heal Leadership Academy begin to:

  • Spark vision, creativity, and connections for ministry among the laypeople of the diocese.
  • Encourage laypeople to recognize their own authority and call for ministry in their congregation and community by virtue of their baptism.
  • Meet the real, regular, practical ministry needs of our parishes now and in the future.
  • Create a roster of trusted lay leaders throughout the diocese who may be called on for ministry and leadership needs as they emerge.

Who can participate? Who should participate?

Any member of the diocese who is interested and willing to commit to attendance at weekly meetings, from October 2019 through May 2020, is encouraged to participate.

This program is especially beneficial if you are wondering how God is calling you to serve; are open to sharing from your own experience and learning from others; are eager to develop the skills and interests you bring already; and are open to new possibilities.

No previous experience is needed.

You don’t need to be a regular Bible-study attendee, time-tested vestry member, seminary graduate, or even have been a Christian for long! Simply commit to participating and bring your faith as it exists right now.

Groups will focus on Episcopal expressions of Christianity; however, the Academy is also open to Lutheran ecumenical partners who seek licensure as lay worship leaders in the Southwestern Pennsylvania Synod of the ELCA.

Where and when will the Academy groups meet?*

  • Wednesdays from 10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary in Highland Park
  • Wednesdays from 7:30 – 9 p.m. at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Mt. Lebanon.

*We can create groups that meet in different locations based on interest from 10+ people.

Meetings will include a devotional practice for further daily use at home, Bible study, and group conversation regarding a variety of themes. Participants will receive a copy of Walk in Love: Episcopal Beliefs and Practices by Scott Gunn and Melody Wilson. Participants are expected to bring a copy of the Book of Common Prayer and a Bible, NRSV preferred.

How to sign up

Registration is available online at Paper versions are available on the diocesan website here. If you have any difficulty finding the form, please email the Rev. Canon Natalie Hall at