Save the Date: Lenten Learning Day 2019

Mark your calendar for Lenten Learning Day 2019, Saturday, March 23, at St. Brendan’s Episcopal Church in Franklin Park.  This will be a special day of learning, worshipping, and building relationships with others across our diocese and communities.

Our theme for this year is Good News Within Reach.  So … What’s the good news?

  • First, we don’t need to look far and wide for opportunities to fulfill the mission of the Church. There are people all around us in need of love and teaching and healing.  We see them when we take the trash out to the curb, when we drop our kids or grandkids off at school, and while standing in line at the grocery store … They’re our neighbors!  And, because they are within our reach, the Good News of Christ is within theirs.
  • Second, fulfilling the Church’s mission is within the reach of every parish – whether large or small, financially well-off or merely making ends meet, served by a full-time rector or Sunday-only supply clergy.
  • Third, ideas and support for mission is within reach – not something we have to import from out-of-state. We have people and parishes participating in creative and effective ministry right here within our Western Pennsylvania footprint.

On March 23, come and learn about some of the mission and ministry taking place throughout our diocese – directly from the people who lead and participate in it.  Ponder together how similar forms of mission and ministry might work in your own parish and community context.  Get practical tips and helpful resources that you can take back to your parish and share with others.

Plus, hear from our special guest speaker, the Reverend Paul Abernathy, pastor of St. Moses Orthodox Christian Mission in Pittsburgh’s Hill District and director of FOCUS Pittsburgh.

Watch the diocesan website and the Grace Happens e-newsletter for more information and online event registration in the weeks ahead.