Convention Venue Changed

Dear Attendees to Diocesan Convention and 150th Anniversary Celebration:

As noted in our general invitation last week, the elevator at Trinity Cathedral will be out of order on Friday and Saturday, November 13th and 14th. We had hoped to be able to provide alternative arrangements to guarantee the comfort, safety and dignity of all who wished to attend.  However, this has proven impossible. Therefore, we will hold both the Friday night Anniversary Celebration and the Convention itself at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Mt. Lebanon.

We regret the short notice of this change in locale, and apologize for any inconvenience you may experience. We are grateful for the hospitality offered by the good folks at St. Paul's. We look forward to a wonderful party (all welcome!) in honor of our 150th on Friday night, and a blessed, efficient and fulfilling Convention on Saturday. 

More information will be available here on the diocesan website in the coming days.

Please share this information with anyone else you know who may be planning to attend this year's Convention in any capacity, and feel free to contact me if you have questions or concerns at

In Christ,
The Rev. Canon Jim Shoucair
Secretary of Convention