The Wardens, Vestry and Parishioners of
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church
335 Locust Street
Johnstown, PA 15901
Request your prayers and presence
For the
Celebration of a New Ministry
And Institution of
The Reverend Nancy Lee Threadgill
As Priest in Charge of
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church
On Sunday, January 11, 2015
Three o’clock in the afternoon
The Right Reverend Dorsey McConnell
Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh, presiding
Episcopal Clergy: Cassock, surplice, white stole
Reception to follow
“A celebration of new ministry is not to be an occasion of people gathering to proclaim hope and faith in what the new leader can do among his or her people. Rather it should be an occasion of the entire community gathering to proclaim faith and hope in what Christ is already doing among them”
– Stephen Kelsey