"Holy Rollers-Playing Dice with the Future: Responding to social issues in SW PA"
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Friday, May 8, 2009
8 AM to 4 PM
Christ Church @ Grove Farm
249 Duff Road
Sewickley, PA 15143
Master of Ceremonies — Sally Wiggin
WTAE Channel 4 TV News Anchor
For more Info Call Betty @ 412.281.8360 or go to wwwpghpc.org
Keynote Speaker: Joseph W. Ciarrocchi, Ph.D.
Dr. Ciarrocchi is a Professor and Past Chair of Pastoral Counseling at Loyola University in Baltimore, MD, and is a clinical psychologist specializing in the area of compulsive behaviors, anxiety disorders and the integration of psychology and spirituality. Dr. Ciarrocchi received his B.A.from St. Fidelis College, his M.A.from Capuchin College and his Ph.D.from The Catholic University of America. He has served as Director of Addictions at Taylor Manor Hospital and Director of Outpatient Services for the St. Luke Institute. He has written five books including: Counseling Problem Gamblers: A Self-Regulation Manual for Individual and Family Therap; Psychotherapy with Priests, Ministers, and Vowed Religious; Help for Scrupulosity and Religious Compulsions; A Minister’s Handbook of Mental Disorders; and, Why are You Worrying?
Opening Remarks: The Most Rev. David A. Zubik, DD
Bishop David A. Zubik was named by Pope Benedict XVI as the Twelfth Bishop of Pittsburgh. Prior to his appointment to the Diocese of Pittsburgh, he served as the Eleventh Bishop of the Diocese of Green Bay and before that as Auxiliary Bishop of Pittsburgh. A native of Ambridge, PA, Bishop Zubik attended Saint Paul Seminary, Duquesne University, Saint Mary Seminary & University in Baltimore and received his B.A. in Theology from the University in Baltimore and his M.Ed. from Duquesne University. Previously, Bishop Zubik served as Chaplain, Spiritual Director, Vicar and numerous administrative posts within the Pittsburgh Diocese. He also served on various Boards of Directors/Advisors for many organizations, including Duquesne University, University of Saint Mary of the Lake Mundelein Seminary, Saint Vincent Seminary, Urban League of Pittsburgh, the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC, and the National Center for Holocaust Education at Seton Hill University. Currently, he serves on three committees for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops: the Administrative Committee, the Laity Committee and the Audit Sub-Committee in addition to the National Advisory Council. He is also a member of the Executive Committee of the Council of Bishops of Christian Associates of SW PA.
Continuing Education Credits Approved for 7 hours
Catholic Clergy & Pastoral Associates
Pennsylvania Certification Board – CAC
National Association of Social Work-PA CEU
ACT 48
8:00 am | Registration & Continental Breakfast |
8:30 am | Welcome: Sally Wiggin, WTAE-TV News Anchor The Rev. Dr. Jay Geisler, St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, McKeesport Welcome and Prayer: The Rev. Dr. John Guest, Christ Church at Grove Farm |
9:00 am | The Most Rev. David A. Zubik, DD, Bishop, Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh |
A = Addiction & Recovery B = Mental Health & Wholeness C = Family and Marriage D = Community Outreach E = Reflections in Ministry F = Gambling Addiction
9:30 – 10:45 am Session One (Choose One)
A1 Addiction 101
Learn the basics of addiction and recovery, including the Christian roots of the 12-Step Programs.
The Rev. Dr. Jay Geisler, St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, McKeesport & The Oaisis Recovery Center of Western PA
B1 Clergy as First Responders for Homeland Security
Clergy are often on the front lines in times of civil disturbance, unrest and crisis. Learn how to respond in times of national
and local community emergencies.
The Rev. Steve Moore, United Methodist Commission on Relief (UMCOR)
C1 Bridging the Generation Gap
Learn to open the lines of communication between parents and teenagers.
The Rev. Dr. Ron Barnes, Executive Director, North Hills Youth Ministry
D1 Cover the City in Prayer
Mobilize your congregation to pray for the transformation of the region and engage in prayer walking in your local
Ernie Frederick, Pittsburgh Prayer Network
E1 A Language of the Heart
Explore a model of compassionate communication that promotes peace through heart connecting language.
David Russell, M.Ed. Facilitator, Compassionate Communication
Break 10:45-11:00 am
11:00 am-12:15 pm
Session Two (choose one)
A2 As Sick as Your Secrets: Understanding the Hidden Life of Pornography
Internet porn is rampant and contributes to sexual addiction. Examine the latest research on the dynamics of this addiction
and learn a new framework for ministry to the afflicted.
Dorn Checkley, Director, Pittsburgh Coalition Against Pornography
B2 As Doors Close…
The closure of Mayview Psychiatric Hospital will create an influx of people in need of support. Learn how to respond to
people who may contact you for help.
Pastor Cletus Hull, Chaplain, Mayview Hospital, Trinity Christian Church (Disciples)
Pat Valentine, Deputy Director, Allegheny County Office of Behavioral Health
C2 Confronting Domestic Violence
Often church leaders are not aware of the many women who suffer silently from physical and psychological abuse. Learn
how to break the silence.
The Rev. Christiana Dutton, Women’s Center and Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh
D2 The Model of the Master: Mentoring
Use the hands-on approach of apprenticeship for training and growth of disciples.
The Rev. Martha Giltinan, Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology, Trinity School for Ministry
E2 Lighten Up and Laugh at Yourself
Laughter helps orchestrate our body’s natural healing ability. Learn how you can start a humor club in your congregation.
David Russell, M.Ed., Certified Laughter Counselor
12:30-2:00 pm Lunch
Keynote Speaker: The Rev. Dr. William J. Carl, III
President, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary
Presentation of the Dave Else Award
2:30-3:45 pm
Session Three (choose one)
A3 The Brain on Drugs
Understand how the brain is affected by drug use. Learn how to have an effective, compassionate response.
Don Cummins, Director, Pyramid Treatment Center, Wilkinsburg
B3 Gambling: How It Can Lead to More Societal Issues
Explore the impact of legalized gambling in the tri-state area and hear a personal story of recovery.
Gamblers Anonymous Speaker
C3 Supporting Marriages and Families
Gain an understanding of family systems theory and learn how to strengthen marriages in your congregation.
Virginia Corbett, BS, Samaritan Counseling Center
D3 “I Was in Prison and You Visited Me”
The majority of inmates at the county jail suffer from addiction. Learn how churches can help mentor inmates to become
productive, responsible members of society.
Brother Mark Lowery, FSC, Outreach Director, Michael’s Place
The Rev. Lynn Yeso, Director, Chaplain Ministries, Allegheny County Jail
Fr. Malcolm McDonald, Chaplain, Allegheny County Jail
Denny Ugoletti, Chaplain, Beaver County Jail
E3 Bringing Faith into the Marketplace
Learn how to support and encourage working professionals in their faith.
The Rev. Carter Birely, Executive Director, The Pittsburgh Experiment