Convention Workshops: Not Just For Deputies

The 2010 diocesan convention, the 145th for this diocese, takes place October 15-16 at Trinity Cathedral in downtown Pittsburgh.

All convention proceedings are open to the public, but two events this year are planned and timed with a special "Come All" invitation.

"Convention is more than just doing the work of the church," says Bishop Price. "It is a time of coming together to celebrate being the church."

The Saturday of convention begins with a Eucharist at 8:45 a.m., and later at 11:15 a.m., visitors and deputies alike can take part in these workshops:

A Joyful (and appropriate) Noise: Tailoring Music for a Congregation, Size Small
Presenter: David Mahler

A glorious, reverberant cathedral filled to capacity each Sunday? That's not the norm for many of us. What about a modest neighborhood church with inconstant Sunday morning attendance? What about uncertain singers, instruments that crowd a maintenance list and a music budget made of crumbs from the little congregational pie? And what about visions of Handel and Haydn, when your musical resources resemble Spike Jones? If the word "small" applies in any way to your congregation, you'll find this music workshop relevant and useful.

Banners for Every Congregation
Presenter: Joan Gundersen

Who should come: Church school teachers, altar guild members, those with a creative streak, or anyone interested in seeing their congregation have a parish banner or banners for special seasons. This workshop will suggest inexpensive ways that even non-sewers can create attractive banners for seasonal liturgical use or as a parish hanging. There will be time for questions, lists of resources, and a chance to try out some of the techniques.

Christian Education: A Lifelong Journey with Christ in Christ and to Christ
Presenter: Joyce Donadee

Children are innately spiritual. Their expressions of faith can transform a church if they are allowed to express themselves. Youth are defined by their relationships. They need to know that the Episcopal Church welcomes them and invites their gifts. They need to have positive relationships with each other and with a loving God. Adult faith formation can be intentional or unintentional. Older adults can appreciate opportunities focused on their particular issues. The goal of this workshop is to offer support and options for churches of all sizes.

Lay Ministry: A Challenging, Winnable and Meaningful "Game of Life"
Presenter: Jessie Hipolit

The Commission on Ministry is expanding to support lay ministry as well as ordained ministry, as stated in the canons. Jessie Hipolit, a Business and Personal Development Coach, will invite you to explore the exciting possibilities for lay ministry by using our beloved Pittsburgh sports metaphor as an edgy, eye-opening context for discussion. Are you game?

Moving Forward Together: The Conversation Continues
Presenter: Walter Bowman

In response to the feedback from the Moving Forward Together Day on April 10, 2010, this interactive workshop will provide an open forum to continue to identify, explore and understand our common values with one another and our differing perspectives without being judged; and how we may continue to move forward together so that all in our diocese will be accepted and all will have a sense of belonging.

The Ignatian Path: Spirituality in everyday life for busy people!
Presenter: Carol Gonzalez

The focus of this workshop is being attentive and available as companions of Jesus – finding God in all things, a focused way of proceeding in an era of distractions. Carol Gonzalez will lead a meditation experience and conversation on developing a discerning way of life in community on mission. There will be opportunity for learning about some Ignatian-inspired ministries unfolding in the Pittsburgh area, including the Spiritual Exercises retreat in everyday life.

Web and Social Media: How Can We All Work Together?
Presenter: Andy Muhl

Web sites, email newsletters, text messages, Facebook, Twitter, iPhone apps, digital signage, Google rankings, Yahoo groups, blogs, blogs and more blogs. Join us as we try to break down all of the available choices and focus on the difference between "push" and "pull" communications strategies. This is more than just an information session. We will also discuss specific parish and related organizations' needs and opportunities.