Are You Prepared?

The Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh has a new resource for Disaster Preparedness – a set of web pages designed to help parishes plan so they can recover from disasters, reach out to help their own parishioners and be a resource to other areas when a major disaster occurs. You can reach them through the diocesan web pages or by going directly to Think about bookmarking the pages or making them a “favorite”.  

The web pages include a resources page with links to many of the disaster preparedness and coordination sites in each of the counties within the diocese, to national resources, and to materials prepared by Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD) to increase disaster preparedness and responses. There is a “blog” page with hints on how to break down planning for disasters into manageable steps. (Respond through the comments option with your own questions, successes, or hints.) There is also a page with links to ERD’s newsletter The Lamplighter with articles on actual disaster responses and news, and contact information for the Diocesan Team.

The diocesan disaster preparedness team is always looking for those who might like to join us in this planning either at the parish or diocesan level. Let us know if you are interested. 

Joan Gundersen 412-721-0884
Howard Gillette 985-860-1161